I like to be very informal in my podcast and just talk in a way that feels more like a conversation. My goal is for me and my listeners to get to know youbetter and learn more about the incredible work you are doing in this space for women of color. If you do not want me to ask you any certain questions or you don't feel comfortable talking about certain topics, that's fine of course. Questions:Tell us a bit about yourself and the work you are doing. How did you get started with the work you're doing? What do you love most about the work you're doing in this space? What has your mental health journey been like?What messages do you have for women of color who are listening? What is your favorite type of self-care?What would you say to the younger version of yourself? What's coming up for you in the future?Share with me via email your website, headshot, bio, social media handles, etc. by sending these to info@globalcitizentherapy.comFor recording, if you have headphones with a microphone or a separate microphone please use it. Let me know if you have any questions for me.https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6441299585?pwd=S0t4aHpRRUMrVWdlVHVOTFJsYndCZz09This interview may not last a full hour but I like to set aside this time in case we have technical difficulties etc.